2010年8月31日 星期二

Tuning Applications

1. The Instruments Application
The Instruments application lets you gather a variety of application performance metrics, such as memory and network use.

2. The Shark Application
The Shark application lets you view system-level events, such as system calls, thread-scheduling decisions, interrupts, and virtual memory faults.

When performance problems in your code are more related to the interaction between your code, iOS, and the hardware architecture of the device, you can use Shark to get information about those interactions and find performance bottlenecks.

3 則留言:

  1. 最後一段的大意是?可以翻譯一下嗎? > <

  2. Shark 可以同時 sample 所有東西, 所以可以去看某一 process 和其他 process 的互動情況, 在 multi-core 的硬體, 還可以看到那些東西是由哪個 cpu 在處理, 還有 context switch 發生在什麼時候....etc.

    所以蠻適合看程式自己, 程式與程式間, 程式與系統, 程式在硬體間的作用狀況.
